Guide: Læringsressource skabelon sådan kopierer du skabelonen til en ny ressource

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This guide will teach you how to create an asset with the new template.

Step 1: create a new post.

create a new post as you normally do: in the admin panel click on posts and then on new (Fig.1)


Once done, you will be redirected to the new post page where you can start working.

Step 2: Import the ‘Skabelon’ Pattern.

LearningLib’s new system introduces Patterns.
Patterns are, in simple terms, pre-built layouts consisting of blocks. These block patterns behave like regular blocks. This means that you can edit them as usual after they have been inserted. It is much easier and faster to create a page or a post with these predefined templates.

One of these patterns is called skabelon and allows you to quickly create the layout of a new resource and you will only have to add your own content.

At the top left click on the blue + button (Fig.2)


A sidebar will open with a search bar (Fig.3)

Now all you have to do is search the word ‘skabelon‘ in the search bar, and you will see the preview of the pattern appear, click on it and the pattern will be imported (Fig.4).

Udgivet første gang: December 15, 2022
Revideret: March 17, 2023